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    Dear visitors,

    our wines stand for lively and joie de vivre. If you know our wines, and appreciate our craft, and you want to enjoy a good Glas of Jurtschitsch-Wein at home, write us a short email or call us. We are more than happy to advise you, send you your favourite wine or give you information about our partners, from whom you can order online or by phone.
    Stay healthy you and your loved ones!

    Have fun with our wines an best regards from Langenlois,
    Stefanie & Alwin Jurtschitsch


    Sensible Experimente im Weingarten und im Keller lassen Weine entstehen, die uns oft selbst überraschen. Vinifizierte Gedanken auf der Suche nach der Vielfalt des Geschmacks.

    » read more

    The "Wurzelwerk" Project

    Of bartering & other fortunes

    LEARNING & EXPERIMENTING are the basis of every authentic culture.
    Our Project WURZELWERK gives the answer to all Riesling questions ...:)

    » read more

    Der Film auf vimeo full HD

    «Ein Sommer am Heiligenstein»
    Unser Kurzfilm zum Thema Wein...
    Aber Vorsicht, in Full HD!
    Direktlink zu vimeo.com

    Stefanie & Alwin Jurtschitsch